We decided to leave early (6:15am!) on Saturday morning to head out to San Diego to kick off celebrating our anniversary weekend. Married 7 years this year!
I will always and forever hate this part of the drive. Trying to get out of town and it's one lane each direction and inevitably you get stuck behind a big rig and people trying to pass, coming at you in your lane from the other direction..shudder. Such a death trap.

But we made it in one piece. This is our first and last picture with our tickets, somehow Tony lost them which was upsetting because they let us ride the sky car and now we could not do that. Deep breaths.
We rode on top of the double decker bus first and got the tour. The girl who was driving was super good, very knowledgeable.
The polar bears were being quite active and entertaining when our bus stopped at this point of the tour.
Such a cute Cock-of-the-rock with a funny name and crest
Gotta love the pandas, so much so that we stood in a very long line 2x to see them.
Always on the hunt to make a smashed penny!
I spied the sun bear!
These were just some of the pics from my phone but I have a lot on the nice camera that I should probably post. For now though, it's a sampling ;-)
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