I've been trying for years to score tickets to this Christmas concert but have not been selected for a very long time. Shortly after getting back from the S. Korea trip in October, I remembered to apply and I was super stoked to find out towards the end of November that I was selected for 4 tickets!! Squee!
We went with our friends the Hubbard's. They were in our ward in Midvale and we have stayed in touch ever since. They are always so kind to let myself and friends or family of mine come to pick apples in their backyard in the fall. I love being able to do that to share with others, freeze dry some & dehydrate some. It's been a fun tradition for the last while. I was really happy they were able to come with us to the concert on somewhat short notice and offer to drive!
I loved all the backgrounds that were put up behind the organ pipes, they were so fun to see!
Dennis Haysbert also came on stage a bit over halfway through the program
The founder of Mully Children's Family , Dr. Charles Mulli, was featured in a video that was shown and then he actually came out on stage - all the way from Kenya! - and Dennis Haysbert talked to him a bit. It was really neat to listen to and Dr. Mulli had pretty good English which I was a little surprised but he is a businessman so he probably learned English through his trade. You can learn more about him here.
Some more lights on the grounds and a look at the Salt Lake City temple renovation on our way back to the parking lot so we could head back to Midvale. Such a great evening!
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