Future Travels

March 20, 2020

Freeze Drying Adventures - Fajitas & Chicken Spaghetti

This is the look after it's been freeze-dried

Next, we did fajitas and chicken spaghetti! Chicken spaghetti is so delicious and the fajitas are actually really good as well. Both reconstitute wonderfully. We did a few batches of these with the chicken we got on sale from Albertson's. 

Preparing the shredded chicken on the left for use in future recipes.

On the right is a whole pan of that chicken spaghetti I talked about in a previous post. 

This is the fajita mix before we put it in the the freeze dryer. Just chicken, a packet of fajita seasoning and some yellow and green peppers. Possibly an onion. Tony put the mix together and it tasted and smelled delicious. 

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